Shorts/Jumpers/Pants/Skirts/Capris, and Skorts - Approved khaki, black, or navy jumpers, shorts, pants, skirts, capris, or skorts. At no time should any undergarment be visible. No cargo pants or shorts.
Shoes - Tennis shoes, Leather bucs, penny loafers or Sperry topsiders are acceptable. Heels may not exceed 1 1/2". No house shoes, Crocs, slippers, or slides allowed.
Belts - Belts must be worn with any pants, shorts, or capris or skort requiring a belt.
Jackets/Coats/Hoodies - Windbreakers or fleece jackets are permitted to be worn in class provided they have the Central Christian School logo. They should be in one of the approved school colors (NAVY BLUE, ROYAL BLUE, LIGHT BLUE, BLACK, WHITE, PINK and GREY). Wool pea coats in solid navy or black may be worn at any time. Embroidery is not required on the pea coat. On extremely cold days students may wear non-CCS logoed jackets to be stored in their locker or classroom. No hoods allowed on their head in the building. Hoodies may only be worn on Fridays.
PE Uniform - CCS physical education T-shirt with black mesh shorts. Black jogging pants are permissible for cold winter months only. Tennis shoes (Same as everyday tennis shoes).
Picture day - Khaki pants and navy blue CCS logoed polo shirt.
School Spirit Day – CCS logoed polo shirt or CCS sponsored t-shirt. No work/serve-a-thon shirts are permitted. Blue jeans are allowed on spirit days. Jeans must fit properly and must have no rips or tears in any way.
Awards Day – Khaki pants and navy blue CCS logoed polo shirt.
Personal Grooming and Appearance - Hair should always be clean, neat, and well-groomed with no extreme haircuts or colors